Each August, United Way staff and volunteers are stationed outside of Wal-Mart in Laurens to accept school supplies on behalf of both the Laurens and Clinton school districts. Unfortunately, because of COVID we were unable to do that at Walmart. Just in time for back-to-school, the drive is scheduled in early August and gives community residents an opportunity to assist area schools in providing much-needed school supplies to our county’s underprivileged children. This year we are partnering with school district 55 & 56.
The 2025 School Supplies Drive event date and location is TBD for District 55. , & District 56.
Local school district officials have prepared a list of supplies commonly needed in their schools throughout the county. This list can be accessed by clicking HERE!
We have also prepared an Amazon Charity Wishlist if you would like to donate or look at it. The link is found HERE!
If you are in need of school supplies for your child, please contact the school they attend. All supplies collected are delivered directly to District 55 and 56 offices and then distributed among their schools.